2018 Winter Lunch: A poem by Angela Abbott
Prelude to the 2018 MSWPS Winter Luncheon
by Angela Abbott
Crisp white cloths with Bay Leaf frieze.
Carmel welcomes us with ease,
Looking mod in arty suit
“Ladies! Come! A photo shoot”!
“Hush (she taps a glass discreetly)
More urgent now! She works us neatly.
Ladies bent on conversation
Gathering with great elation
Muse on moments heaven sent
And of others they lament.
Talk: of troubles with kiln firing
(electrical).”It’s not the wiring”.
“So I’ve seen the whole thing freeze”.
“Hope it finds it’s lost degrees”!
Talk of travel. Finnish Art.
“Strong design right from the start”.
“From textiles to a dinner plate”.
“Then Moscow. Wow, the Pushkin’s great”!
“Talk of sourcing apps for screens,
Colour shifts and blending greens.
“Sending out to let them know”
“Of our exhibition / show”
Lined up now in staggered height,
We “Keep the camera in your sight”!
Such patience shown to get us tamed,
Our photo man now has us framed!
Group Photograph by Christopher Sanders
Available for member purchase see details in Member Area.
A Group of Members
14th June 2018